Friday, November 30, 2007


One of my friends has this in her blogs are the mirror of my thoughts...same holds true here too...

I have always been a very expressive person, whatever I have ever felt is always shown to the person concerned in one way or the other. If the feeling is nice and genuine, it's good enough!!! But what about the situations when the thoughts of yours have been taken otherwise? What about the times when I have said something out of a good thought but it has turned the other way or interpreted the other way!!! These are the times when I feel that being expressive is the one of the worst things one can ever be!!!

Is it wrong to tell a person you are liked by me because you make me feel nice but nothing is to be expected? Is it wrong to put your thoughts forth expecting nothing at all??? Does all this sound very cheap and disgusting??? Well, yes this is something that is just not expected of a person like me!!! But as my friend told me the other day, I am turning into a girl perhaps!!! Seriously I dont know whether to feel happy or feel sad about it!!!