Friday, October 30, 2015

Why do I love rom-coms?

Of late, I have only been watching romcoms whenever I get some free time. This made me think, why do I like watching these movies?

Every time I watch any rom-com, I automatically find myself in that heroine's position. Then I start thinking what would have I done in her place and so on! But that doesn't happen in other movies. Yes, that is correct. I am totally smitten with rom-coms.

Definitely this is one of my favorite pastimes, not that I get a lot of time :). But to think of it, why do I love these kind of movies, I did come up with some points. 

  • While I am watching the movie, I am transported to a whole different world. 
  • The characters make me laugh, they make me cry, but finally they make me happy :).
  • I get to experience some of the most beautiful things in life again :), like love at first sight, coming back for the person you love, see the smile on the loved one's face :)
  • There are hardly any sad endings in these kind of movies. Even The Notebook, the two died together, which, in my opinion, was one of the most beautiful endings for any movie, and life as such. 
  • I understand such things are usually hypothetical but still happy endings please me :).

I am still thinking of points. If you have any, please do leave me a comment. I would love to know what you think...

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